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  • tthanos2000

A New School Year...

The 2022 school year is now in session. My students have been working on the seven sins of public speaking. What is that, you say? The seven sins of public speaking are the no-nos of what one should not do with their body and hands while speaking. While I explain to my students that what we do with our feet and hands is essential, they ask, but why does it matter? Well, first, the audience does not want to be distracted by your hands, judging your posture, or deciding if you are nervous or incapable of something. We can fix these things by being aware and mindful. So that being said, the seven sins are the hip, the sway, the lean, the fidget, the read-aloud, the butt, and the slouch. The sins are pretty self-explanatory, and once we are aware of them, it is somewhat easy to correct them while being aware.

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